Effective Communication Training

Effective Communication Training

The Center of Business Administration (CBA) conducted a two-days training on “Effective Communication” on February 07 & 08, 2021 at Zardozi Organization in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The training initiated with the introduction of participants and the trainer used the first 10 minutes to set expectations and ground rules. The training mainly focused to familiarize the participants with identifying elements of communication process and factors influencing it, understanding forms of communication, describing channels of communication at work, describing the ability to give job instruction, giving and receiving feedbacks, and writing effective emails.

The training was wrapped up with the conduction of training evaluation by participants, a post assessment, and certificate distribution.

Author: CBA Team
Center of Business Administration (CBA) is a business academy which offers different educational certifications and courses such as ACCA, FIA and CIA, based on practical approach. CBA provides training and capacity building services on areas: Audit, Management, read more...

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